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November 2022 Design and Print

Basingstoke printing and design during November 2022

Basingstoke Printing and Design Company 

Here are some items we have designed and printed this November 2022. As usual this is a small selection of our printed items. If you have any questions or would like further information on the printing solutions we offer, then please just call, email or pop into our office. 


Design and production of stencils for spraying boxes

We were asked to die cut some items for a company which included some stencils so they could spray their crates with their company name. We create these from 600gsm tuff material which is perfect for this application so they can be re-used several times.  

Bespoke stencil making


Printed greaseproof food wrapping sheets

For all those takeaway needs, this printed food-safe greaseproof wrapping paper looks great and is also very practical. This particular pub use them on top of their wooden boards beneath their burgers, to add a personalised touch.

Food safe printed grease proof paper


Outdoor sign with posts for dentists

We designed, manufactured and installed this sign for a dental practice. A really good way to catch the attention for their business, this sign was powdercoated including the fittings at the back. Cut and printed vinyl was applied to the surface to finish it off before being sank into the ground with concrete. 

External sign with posts for Dentist